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Unraveling the Mystery of Werden, Wurden, Geworden, and Worden in German: An Insightful Guide


Guten Tag, liebe Freunde! Welcome back to, your go-to hub for all things related to the German language. My name is Helena, and today we're going to untangle the intriguing web of the German words 'werden', 'wurden', 'geworden', and 'worden'.

So, what are these words? When and how should we use them? We're going to explore all of this in this blog post. But before we plunge into our topic, here's your homework. After reading this post and understanding the explanations, I'd like you to craft some sample sentences using these verbs in their different forms. And as always, we have a short quiz waiting for you at the end.

Alright, let's begin! We'll start with the verb 'werden'. Here, it's conjugated as follows: ich werde, du wirst, er/sie/es wird, and then in the plural, wir werden, ihr werdet, sie/Sie werden. As you see, it's irregular. We will also glance at its past tense ('wurden') and perfect form ('geworden') here.

'Werden' can function as an auxiliary verb, similar to 'sein' (to be) and 'haben' (to have). It can be used to form the future tense (Futur I). For example: "Ich werde im Sommer nach Italien fliegen" (I will fly to Italy in the summer).

However, just as you may already know, in German, we often use the present tense instead of the future tense. So, the sentence can also be: "Ich fliege im Sommer nach Italien" (I'm flying to Italy in the summer).

Apart from forming the future tense, 'werden' can also be an auxiliary verb to form the passive voice. Let's say we have the active sentence, "Der Polizist kontrolliert den Fahrer" (The policeman controls the driver). The passive form of this sentence would be "Der Fahrer wird kontrolliert" (The driver is controlled).

Similarly, for passive past tense (Passiv Präteritum), we use 'wurden', as in "Der Fahrer wurde kontrolliert" (The driver was controlled). For passive perfect tense (Passiv Perfekt), we use 'worden': "Der Fahrer ist kontrolliert worden" (The driver has been controlled).

Besides its use as an auxiliary verb, 'werden' can also be a full verb, indicating a change. For instance, "Mein Sohn wird morgen 5" (My son will turn 5 tomorrow) or "Sie wird wieder gesund" (She will become healthy again).

With this understanding of 'werden', 'wurden', 'geworden', and 'worden', let's move on to the test. Remember, this is just for practice, so don't stress:

  1. Das Paket ist dem Nachbarn übergeben worden.

  2. Mit 43 Jahren wurde er Millionär.

  3. Meine Waschmaschine wird morgen repariert.

  4. Mein Sohn wurde am Montag 12.

  5. Was möchtest du später werden? Ein Pilot.

  6. Das gesamte Wohnzimmer wurde renoviert.

  7. Wie alt wirst du morgen? Ich werde morgen 28 Jahre alt.

  8. Wenn wir uns nicht beeilen, werden wir zu spät kommen.

  9. Im Ausland ist er endlich glücklich geworden.

  10. Das Flugzeug ist sicher gelandet.

I hope this explanation and practice helped you better understand the use of 'werden', 'wurden', 'geworden', and 'worden'. As your homework, please write a few sentences using these verbs in the comments section below.

If you found this post useful, don't forget to hit the like button, subscribe to our blog, and share it with other German learners.

Bis zum nächsten Mal, auf Wiedersehen, Tschüss und Bye Bye.

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